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    Rethinking Play: Demystifying the Misconceptions of Play in Early Years

    Introduction This is a subject that has, recently, been of great fascination to me having worked in the in the field of early years for almost 27 years. Early childhood education and establishing the groundwork for a young person’s future academic achievement are frequently linked. However, among the storybooks, paints and toys, there is a phrase that occasionally draws criticism: “play.” Let’s pause to consider the enormous significance of early childhood education before we get to the core of our conversation. Young brains are like sponges at this crucial time, soaking up knowledge, skills, and talents that begin to mould the way children grow and develop. So why is it…

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    Men are in Childcare

    Have you seen this brilliant film from the London Early Years Foundation demonstrating the important part that men play in Early Years care and education. Please take time to watch it and share

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    Men in Early Childhood Education Webinar

    Join me on December 14th at 7pm for the Men in Early Childhood Education Webinar, where we’ll challenge the notion that ‘play’ is a dirty word in early childhood education. In this presentation, we’ll explore the vital role play serves in a child’s development, debunking misconceptions and shedding light on the profound impact it has on cognitive, social, and emotional growth. Let’s reimagine early education together and embrace the power of play as a cornerstone for building a strong foundation in our children’s lives.

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    The Heartbeat of a Child: Unveiling the True Curriculum

    Introduction In the realm of early years care and education, where curricula are meticulously crafted, standards are set, and assessments are designed, there’s a fundamental element that often gets overlooked—the heartbeat of a child. Beyond the forced learning plans, there exists an intrinsic, pulsating rhythm that is the true curriculum of a child’s education. In exploring this metaphorical heartbeat, we uncover a profound connection between the emotional, social, and intellectual aspects of a child’s development. The Emotional Symphony If the heartbeat is the rhythm, then emotions are the melody of a child’s educational journey. Emotional intelligence is an invaluable facet of learning that often takes a backseat to academic achievement.…

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    Rewild the Child: The Importance of Immersing Preschool Children in Nature

    Introduction In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s easy for young children to become disconnected from the natural world that surrounds them. Young children are often engrossed in screens, indoor play, and structured activities. But the call to “rewild the child” urges parents, educators, and caregivers to take a step back and consider the profound importance of immersing preschool children in nature. In this article, we will explore the benefits of reconnecting children with the great outdoors and discuss how this connection can positively impact their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. The Disconnection Dilemma Before delving into the benefits of nature immersion, it’s essential to acknowledge the modern challenges that have…

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    Is it selfish?

    So, being a manager in Early Years is tough, at least that’s how I’m finding it. I’ve been doing this now for almost 9 months and it’s been an interesting learning curve, so many things I didn’t understand that I really need to get done. One of my main issues is ensuring my rota is well balanced, it’s still a work in progress and I’m really guilty of just “plugging the gaps” myself instead of looking at creative solutions. But let’s face it, it’s quicker and easier, right? But it isn’t. What I’m realising, very quickly, is it takes its toll on me mentally and physically and I need to…

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    Play is paramount to the secure development of children transitioning to school.

    With schools in Scotland currently on their summer break, this got me thinking back to my time in settings where the emphasis was on the perceived need for ‘school readiness’ and how we should deviate from our usual diet of play opportunities for those children about to transition, but is that right?With many more years in the sector under my belt, I know that play is paramount to the secure development of preschool children, as it encompasses a wide range of activities that support their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth. In Scotland, “Realising the Ambition” emphasises play-based learning as a fundamental approach in early childhood education (Scottish Government, 2020).…